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About Psychiatric News

Psychiatric News, the official print and electronic news service of the American Psychiatric Association, is the primary and most trusted source of information for APA members, other physicians and health professionals, and the public about developments in the field of psychiatry that impact clinical care and professional practice.

It accomplishes these goals by providing important clinical and research news across the spectrum of psychiatry, medicine, and the biobehavioral sciences; providing information about mental health issues with a particular focus on news that affects the profession of psychiatry and the delivery of quality care to patients; providing information that focuses on APA’s policies, programs, and actions, across the spectrum of APA’s activities including areas such as advocacy, education, ethics, minority interests, and clinical guidelines; and serving as a forum for the exchange of a full range of ideas and opinions among members, thus assisting in creating a sense of community.

Psychiatric News is published monthly. For the web edition, articles are posted on a breaking-news basis and then moved to their respective issue upon publication of that issue.

Psychiatric News Staff

Adrian Preda, M.D.
Editor in Chief

Christopher Durso
Executive Editor

Nicholas Zagorski, Ph.D.
Associate Editor

Mark Moran, M.P.H.
Terri D’Arrigo
Katie O’Connor
Linda M. Richmond
Senior Staff Writers

Steve Parrish
Creative Director

Michelle Massi
Production Manager

Psychiatric News Editorial Advisory Board

Steven Chan, M.D., M.B.A.

Ludmila De Faria, M.D.

Rana Elmaghraby, M.D.

Ezra Griffith, M.D.

Diana Perkins, M.D., M.P.H.

Laura Roberts, M.D., M.A.

Cynthia Turner-Graham, M.D.

The content of Psychiatric News does not necessarily reflect the views of APA or the editors. Unless so stated, neither Psychiatric News nor APA guarantees, warrants, or endorses information or advertising in this newspaper. Clinical opinions are not peer reviewed and thus should be independently verified.

The information or advertising contained in this newspaper is not intended to be a substitute for professional treatment or diagnosis. Reliance on such information is at the reader's own risk; neither APA nor Psychiatric News shall be liable if a reader relies on information in the newspaper rather than seeking and following professional advice in a timely manner.

Those who submit letters to the editor and other types of material for Psychiatric News are agreeing that APA has the right, in its sole discretion, to use their submission in print, electronic, or any other media.

Psychiatric News is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Copyright © American Psychiatric Association. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced in any medium without the permission of the American Psychiatric Association.

Print ISSN: 0033-2704, Online ISSN: 1559-1255




 Petros Levounis, M.D., M.A.
Psychiatric News Alert

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Psychiatric News Update

Psychiatric News Update is a weekly enewsletter bringing you up-to-the-moment news about APA news; services, programs, and educational materials available to APA members; and links to the latest research reports in the American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric News, and Psychiatric Services. Read this week's Update. Sign up for Psychiatric News Update newsletter. If you are an APA member and are not receiving Update, please email [email protected].
